• How Can We Be Of Service To You Today

    ...we are all in this together...

    VIBE iMap Info For Students
    VIBE iMap Info For Parents
    VIBE iMap Info For Schools
  • Uncover What Your Child Is Great At

    In Less Than 5 Minutes!

  • How It Works

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    Discover Who They Are

    Find what your child is good at by understanding their strengths, learning style, communication style, creative type, love language, value language, career match and so much more!

    "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." Aristotle

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    Explore Their Passions​

    School can be hard, but we know how to make it fun! Kids kick boredom to the curb by tailoring their classes to their passions and interests. Making the time they spend in school count by building their future while they are there.

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    Design Their Future​

    Pair your child's strengths and passions with a societal need that they care about and they are guaranteed success. Whether that's college or building their own company, we will help them every step of the way.

  • Book A Free 30 Minute Discovery Call

    Let's see what gifts we can uncover today

  • The VIBE Mission

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    Value and Intention Based Education

    Awakening, inspiring and igniting minds through the study-of-self, purpose and vocation.


    No matter where they are from, what mistakes they have made, or circumstances they live in, every child has a gift that the world needs. Yet at one time or another, every individual faces challenges and it is our mission to teach them how to not only survive but thrive in the face of challenge.


    Value and Intention Based Education exists to make a substantial difference in the lives or our students regardless of their challenges by empowering them, strengthening their relationships and creating social networks offering them meaningful, fulfilling and impactful lives.


    Our students come alive when they realize their value and eagerly set intentions for their future, allowing them to maximize their strengths in a way that contributes to society as a whole.



  • Contact Us

    ...open the door to your child's future

  • Connect With Us

    ...we meet you where you are...

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