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How My Car Accident Taught Me Greater Levels of Self Love

What I learned from my car accident? šŸš•

Hello My Beautiful Soul Family!

Recently I had a bit of a traumatic experience.

Prior to my car accident on March 16th life had been pretty good.

There wasnā€™t anything I could complain about.

My kids were happy and doing well in school.

Clients are healing, finding their purpose and manifesting abundance!

Overall I feel happy and healthyā€¦

Life was goodā€¦ ā™„

Untilā€¦out of nowhereā€¦a car pulls out in front of me and I slam into it.

It was a shock to say the least.

Technically no one was hurtā€¦

But my nervous system felt otherwise.

I didnā€™t realize the acute stress response I was experiencingā€¦

Was due to the triggering of a childhood wound.

A wound I thought I healed a LONG time ago!

It didnā€™t make senseā€¦

I found myself askingā€¦ā€How am I here again?ā€ šŸ¤Ø

As a young child my father, who was a pastor, used to regularly tell us how horrible and bad we were.

He would get in our face with his stubby pointer finger he had cut the tip off in a construction accidentā€¦

And declare what awful sinners we were.

He would say ā€œyouā€™re a sinner, youā€™re going to hell, you should be ashamed of yourself.ā€

There was one specific memory where he berated me for hours over helium balloons I had been gifted at a potluck.

He assumed I stole them and relentlessly shamed me, until I broke and finally gave inā€¦

I said ā€œfine, I stole themā€ā€¦

Just to get him to stopā€¦

A piece of me broke that day.

I remember feeling I would never be good enough.

I would never be able to get it right.

He would never be happyā€¦

And no matter what I did, I would always screw things up.

What I didnā€™t realize at the time was this created a deep desire in me to fix my brokenness.

I was a passionate goal driven person by nature.

So, I decided I was going to save the world and all of the kids in it.

I was going to fix my flaws, fix my body and fix everything else I felt that was wrong with meā€¦

Or that had brought me pain.

It seemed like a noble quest at the time.

Fast forward many years laterā€¦

I finally realized I was killing myself by trying to perfect myselfā€¦

And everything in my life.

There was no room for error.

There was no room for flaws.

There certainly was not rest for the wearyā€¦

And definitely no grace.

I was tired, exhausted and defeated.

The balloon memory was one of the first memories I healed.

The belief I could never be good enough was the first one I worked onā€¦

And I made a ton of progress!

Enough that I was able to risk putting myself out there, start an online business and learn how to ask for what I deserved!

But there was still moreā€¦

There were still greater levels of peace to be achieved.

There were still levels of wholeness to be realized.

There were still levels of freedom to be gained.

The car accident was the catalyst to finally give me the permission I need to stop.

In fact, it made me STOP dead in my tracks.

And finally, for the first time in my life, I could truly see I am worthy NO MATTER WHAT.

It doesnā€™t matter if I made a mistake.

It doesnā€™t matter if I am flawed.

It doesnā€™t matter if I am imperfectā€¦

Because I am made perfectly imperfect for my purpose.

I am a Divine child of my creator, made with intention and perfect just as I am.

Never before had I realized the freedom that comes with being OK in my skin.

In fact, I am more than OK.

I love who I am!

I love my flaws!

I am eternally grateful to be right where I am, just as I am!

And the feeling of this freedom is beyond what words can describe.

This is the freedom of self-love and self-acceptance we all deserve!

This is the self-love and freedom we all need to finally manifest our dreams.

You see, we do not manifest what we desire, we manifest what we think we deserve.

This experience has been so profound for me I had to put together a masterclass so I can share this with you.

There are ways to break free of the prison of not enoughness, perfectionism and people pleasingā€¦

So, you can FINALLY manifest the desires the Divine put on your heart.



If you struggle with loving yourself, if you fear you are not enough, if you are held back by the crippling fear of what others think of youā€¦

This masterclass is for you. 

I will be live on Friday at 10am CST in Zoom.

Click the here to join us!

I would love to see you there.

If you canā€™t make it live, there will be a replay.

If you are shy, you can join off camera.

If you want to join us for this and all future masterclassesā€¦

Join the community and you will gain access to all masterclasses for freeā€¦

And access to the Manifesting Abundance Through Your Life Purpose Courseā€¦

As well as live Trauma Spotting (aka Brainspotting) sessions with the community!These is so much goodness waiting fo you on the other side of fear and self doubt.

We are waiting for you, with open and welcoming arms.

I love you my soul brothers and sisters.

The soul in me sees and honors the soul in you


Rebecca Dawn VIBE Mentor
Value & Intention Based Education